你需要的是這首能給你滿滿動力的High Hopes!!
Panic! At the Disco將在歐洲巡迴演唱後正式解散 😭
“Sometimes a journey must end for a new one to begin.“
主唱Brendon Urie小時候會用紙箱板剪下吉他的形狀
Panic! At the Disco 想要透過這首歌,鼓勵大家要心懷夢想、積極努力且永不放棄!
“No matter how hard your dreams seem, keep going.
You might even have to climb up the side of a building in downtown LA,
but it’ll all be worth it at the top.”
(為什麼說要爬上洛杉磯市區的高樓呢? 請看MV 🤩)
Panic! At The Disco – High Hopes
High Hopes 歌詞翻譯/旁白
Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing 即便尚未成就大事,我仍胸懷壯志 (shoot for the stars 以星星為目標,引申為[有崇高的理想] make a killing 指在市場上獲得極大的成功) Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision 身無分文,但我心中一直有幅藍圖 (dime 為10鎂分/$0.1) Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向 Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Didn't know how but I always had a feeling 不知該如何實踐,但我總有預感 I was gonna be that one in a million 我會是那萬中選一 (其實是100萬啦,但我覺得萬比較順口) Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向
Mama said 媽媽說 Fulfill the prophecy 讓預言成真吧 Be something greater 成為非凡之人 Go make a legacy 去創造價值吧 Manifest destiny 來彰顯生命的意義 Back in the days 過去的日子裡 We wanted everything, wanted everything 我們曾渴望擁有一切、渴望擁有一切
Mama said 媽媽說 Burn your biographies 把傳記都燒了吧 (biography是由別人編撰的傳記) Rewrite your history 改寫你的歷史 Light up your wildest dreams 喚醒你最瘋狂的夢想吧 Museum victories 收集勝利的勳章 Everyday 無時無刻 We wanted everything, wanted everything 我們曾渴望擁有一切、渴望擁有一切
Mama said 媽媽說 don't give up 別放棄 it's a little complicated 雖然會有點艱辛 All tied up 自顧不暇 (tied up 被綁住,引申為[忙得無法脫身]) no more love 更別談什麼戀愛 and I'd hate to see you waiting 我討厭看你躊躇不前 (媽媽覺得就算這個選擇會讓Urie忙得不可開交 也好過看他猶豫、舉步不前)
Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing 即便尚未成就大事,我仍胸懷壯志 Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision 身無分文,但我心中一直有幅藍圖 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向 Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Didn't know how but I always had a feeling 不知該如何實踐,但我總有預感 I was gonna be that one in a million 我會是那萬中選一 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向
Mama said 媽媽說 It's uphill for oddities 獨闢蹊徑總會特別艱辛 (odd是基數,也表示獨特; oddity 指稀奇的人事物) Stranger crusaders 與眾不同之人、堅守信仰之人 (Crusaders是十字軍,引申為[為信仰奮力抗爭、力求改變之人]) Ain't ever wannabes 他們從不盲從 (wannabe也就是want-to-be,[想成為某人],帶有貶意) The weird and the novelties 特立獨行之人、標新立異之人 Don't ever change 不要輕易被改變 We wanted everything, wanted everything 我們曾渴望擁有一切、渴望擁有一切
Stay up on that rise 積極進取 Stay up on that rise and never come down 積極進取、絕不放棄 Stay up on that rise 積極進取 Stay up on that rise and never come down 積極進取、絕不放棄 (重複的stay up on that rise 除了強調積極進取的重要性外,也強化了不斷向上爬升的畫面感)
Mama said 媽媽說 don't give up 別放棄 it's a little complicated 雖然會有點艱辛 All tied up 自顧不暇 no more love 更別談什麼戀愛 and I'd hate to see you waiting 我討厭看你躊躇不前
They say it's all been done 他們說我已盡心竭力 but they haven't seen the best of me 但他們還沒看到我的壓軸好戲 So I got one more run 所以我要再全力衝刺一次 and it's gonna be a sight to see 上頭肯定別有天地
Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing 即便尚未成就大事,我仍胸懷壯志 Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision 身無分文,但我心中一直有幅藍圖 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向 Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Didn't know how but I always had a feeling 不知該如何實踐,但我總有預感 I was gonna be that one in a million 我會是那萬中選一 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向
Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing 即便尚未成就大事,我仍胸懷壯志 Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision 身無分文,但我心中一直有幅藍圖 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向 Had to have high, high hopes for a living 人生需懷有遠大的志向 Didn't know how but I always had a feeling 不知該如何實踐,但我總有預感 I was gonna be that one in a million 我會是那萬中選一 Always had high, high hopes 永遠要懷有遠大的志向
他是真真實實地吊上鋼絲、一步一腳印的[走]上大樓 😱
我真的是邊看MV邊幫他捏把冷汗 (快看快看!!很精彩、很勵志!!)
走得那麼瀟灑從容,還要唱歌!! 到底怎麼辦到的啦XDD
❤️ 要不要也聽聽?
艾咪的歌詞翻譯| Eminem – Not Afraid 無所畏懼| 戒毒後重返榮耀的阿姆
艾咪的歌詞翻譯| Lil Nas X – Star Walking 星辰漫步 (2022年英雄聯盟世界賽主題曲)